How to Participate in Ceremony with Us
Guidelines & Ritual Norms
You are endeavouring to participate in what, for us, is one of the most profound and meaningful doorways into the mysteries of the Sacred & Profound.
These are our practical suggestions outlining expectations, guidelines and safety measures to ensure harmony for you, for our work and for our community.
We seek to uphold a high standard in regards to the safe space of transformation and realisation that may create a positive impact through the healing and integration of our participants.
It is not necessary to subscribe to our points of view in order to receive the sacrament. We do not discriminate and find that ultimately it is up to the individual to discover what is true for them.
Preparation for your Plant Medicine Journey
(refer to the Medical Information section for more details)
1. If you are uncertain about any contraindications or factors please ask.
2. If you have any personal concerns a meeting can be arranged prior in order to discuss.
3. If you are taking any prescription medication, namely antidepressants, antipsychotics or SSRI please speak to us.
4. If you're taking any natural supplements like mood enhancers that boost serotonin and dopamine please speak to us.
We ask that attendees dress appropriately in clean attire that reflects the intention of the spiritual work. We ask that the clothing is all white or light-coloured. This uniform is traditionally for energetic purposes and also to encourage humility, modesty and equality amongst members.
It is always a good idea to dress weather appropriate i.e. warm layers, socks, scarf or any comforts to assist the possibility of cool moments through the night.
(refer to Dietary Guidelines section for more details)
Contrary to popular belief, there are not a lot of food restrictions to be aware of outside of traditional diets.
That being said, however, it is always a good idea to be mindful and pay attention to our food intake, especially on the days leading up to the ceremony.
It is up to the individual to decide how they wish to take the preparation further.
1. Some recommendations for the day of work: eat simpler and lighter.
2. It is generally better to avoid heavy foods, processed foods, fried foods and fermented foods and drinks, (Kombucha, ginger beer, alcohol).
3. Go lightly with salts, spices and fats the day of.
4. Aim to have your last meal around and no later than 1pm (or several hours prior to the beginning of the ritual).
*For reasons of safety, certain foods and medications must be avoided or discontinued for prescribed time periods before and after ingesting the sacrament.
It is recommended that attendees come clean and showered, physically and energetically fresh for the session. It is not just for practical reasons but to also help us discern the internal cleanliness and purity we uphold and carry within our mind and our being in order to facilitate greater openings on the spiritual plane.
You may further assist your practical cleansing by meditating, bathing, yoga asana and other mindful movement practices, nature walking and in prayer or any activity that you find suitable to find your centre, ground and help you relax.
Part of the house tradition is to be mindful of activities and habits for three days before a work and for three days following a work. Healthy self-care is important; please abstain from alcohol and drugs for several days before and after the Work.
During the Spiritual Work
We ask that everybody participate in maintaining the Sacred Space.
We maintain a Sacred Space by observing Noble Silence. It is called Noble Silence because Silence is a noble being.
Please respect the Noble Silence with the following:
➢ Enter and exit the space quietly.
➢ Keep talking to a minimum before and during the service and speak only if it is necessary.
➢ Practice mindfulness when picking up and putting down items & belongings.
➢ Avoid making any loud or distracting noises.
➢ Sing what is being sung when it is welcomed and refrain from mumbling alternative sounds.
Once the session begins, maintain an inward focus. This work is deeply personal. Resist the temptation to look around or become involved in the processes of others.
Should you need assistance, simply and clearly ask for it out loud and someone will be with you.
➢ We have assistants or “guardians” in the space who work with us and are able to provide physical assistance such as help walking or going to the bathroom, and emotional and spiritual assistance should you require it for your passage.
➢ The best way to receive the sacrament is sitting up with a straight spine. The other is laying down. If it becomes strong and you feel the need to lie down, know that it may not be easier as the circulation will be horizontal. If it is strong it is best to sit up or find a child's-pose position.
➢ To the best of your ability, remain in your place unless a guardian moves you, or you want to visit the Altar; need fresh air or go to the bathroom.
➢ Try to leave the body in an open position with uncrossed arms.
➢ Whenever possible, leave and return to your place in the space between the songs.
➢ Cover your mouth when yawning and refrain from exaggerated cathartic sounds. Sounds of emotional release and purging however do not need to be restricted.
➢ Drink water moderately. Too much water can affect the clarity of vision. Please do not drink anything 5 minutes before and after taking the sacrament.
Temple Practice & Ritual Norms
The ceremony is usually structured in 3 or 4 chapters oriented around a central altar.
The use of specific Prayers, Hinarios (songbooks), Hinos (hymns), Icaros & Arcanas (Medicine Songs), Healing Songs and Mantras are the main guide and foundation in the structure of our healing sessions.
The playing of instrumental pieces with ritual instruments informs our meditations and contemplations on Silence & Sound.
The use of herbs, smudges and specific aromas for purification, clearing and blessing of the space.
There is an opening and a closing. During these two times, we ask everyone to be awake, present and aware. This means sitting up and paying attention to what is happening.
Suggested Best Practices During Sacred Ceremony:
Just like in any meditation or multi-disciplinary spiritual practice, paying attention to and following the breath is of utmost importance.
You may encounter intense and unfamiliar sensations and moments during the session. Let the breath be your guide and home and always return to it to bring focused awareness and relaxation of mind and body.
Our work here is spiritually guided. We hold a safe container. Remember you are safe and protected and thus let go and allow yourself the experience at hand. You may experience things you do not understand.
Do not try to make sense of the experience right away and do not try to put it into pre-existing mental constructs. Just let it be and suspend judgment. Quiet your thoughts and maintain open relaxed attention.
In all entheogenic-assisted therapies and rituals, it is good practice to remember there is a beginning, middle and end. With our tea, no one has ever been stuck in the middle.
Remember the passage “this too shall pass” and find strength and firmness in calmness and tranquillity to allow the experience to pass through you.
Practice the 3 groundings from Padrinho Jonathan Goldman:
1. Feel your feet on the earth. Connect to the earth.
2. Feel your breath in your heart. Connect to your heart.
3. Feel a vertical pillar of white light moving through you. Connect to the Light.
To the best of your ability, focus your mind within your body. Remember the teaching from Padrinho Sebastião to “examine your consciousness” and learn to become one-pointed. Notice when the mind moves into unnecessary thoughts and return to the music in the room and the present context of the session.
One should continuously contemplate and use the force of their supplication to direct their being upon the source of all things. Holding their mind at once upon their own physical heart and at the same time, the heart of the universe allows a finer equilibrium, strength and firmness to be established in the individual.
Practice Prayer
Ask for guidance, clarification, strength and help whenever you need it.
Find the prayer inside of your heart for the reasons why you are searching.
Ask for consolation in troubled times. Ask for peace in turbulent times. Ask for strength and firmness to endure.
Pray for the light inside of your heart to elevate your voice to the heights.
Remember the masters, saints and mystics that came before you.
Remember your spiritual guides. Remember that you are in a sacred space.
Release your troubles to the light or to the earth. Then open to receive what you have prayed for.
Daime Força, Daime Amor
Single Sacrament Sanctuary
Please note that Céu do Som is a Single Sacrament Sanctuary and does not tolerate the use of any substances before, during or after a Spiritual Service.
We ask all attendees to respect the direction of Mestre Irineu who advised mindfulness and abstention regarding diet and habits during the three days before and three days after the Works.
The use of alcohol or any illegal substances during the Works or in the vicinity of our Sanctuary is forbidden.
Musical Accompaniment
If you wish to share music in the space it is best to study to be able to follow and accompany the style of music appropriately. Our study books and musical notations can be acquired in PDF form here and in our store Floresta Atitlan in San Marcos la Laguna and if you wish to join our study sessions and rehearsals everyone is welcome.
Our Medicine Songs and Healing Hymns seek to promote a musical culture of aesthetics, appreciation and perfection in the individual.
We see that each piece is not written but rather received by the individual in the sessions and the offering of these sacred songs and healing hymns are to be used in the ritual in meaningful and purposeful moments determined by the leaders of the session.
The songs serve to widen the window of perception, and contemplation and to awaken the realisation of ancient memory through the unlocking of the doorways to the invisible, profound and spiritual realms and to act as a vehicle for concentration to refine and guide the shape of expansive awareness.
The practice of memorization and mastery of the musical study is encouraged by all of our members and participants. If you wish to share something outside of the organised house works there will be space after the ceremony is concluded for individuals to share.
After the Ceremony:
Take a shower. Wash your clothes before you wear them again. The medicine continues to work within you for days after the Work. Take time to rest the following day. Write down your insights. Give yourself time to integrate and affirm what you have learned and the healing you have received.
And, most importantly enjoy the ride and appreciate the beauty of this mystery.
See our Integration Page for more information on how to bring ceremony into your daily life.