Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

Preparation and Aftercare

Preparation for Your Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Session

Following the interview, intake and preparation call here are some ways to be aware prior, during and after the treatment session.

  1. The Day Of  Your Treatment Session

    • Avoid stimulants (e.g., cough medicines, caffeine) on the day of your session

    • Follow any instructions regarding taking certain medications and supplements (if unsure please ask)

    • Refrain from food or beverages for 3-4 hours before the session

      • You may drink water before the session, but no more than a litre

      • If you have a history of caffeine withdrawal headaches, you may take a small amount of black coffee before the session

    • Wear comfortable, loose clothing

    • Pack an extra outfit and clothing prepared for changes in body temperature - hot and cold.

    • Arrive 30-60 minutes prior to the session to acquaint yourself and settle into the environment.

    • Most people stay with us the night of the session where we can be accessible and available. Should you be doing a shorter session that releases you the same day be sure to have your ride or friend ready to pick you up and escort you to where you are going.

    • Refrain from driving after the session until the following day.

2. Aftercare Following Your Medicine Session

    • Allocate time for adequate rest and relaxation - aim to not have a heavy workload for the days post-treatment

    • Kindness, compassion, and patience are the three main medications you take with you. Apply them regularly to yourself as the best form of self-care

    • Expect some form of contraction in the following days. Contraction looks like introversion, anti-socialness, mood swings, etc. If this happens, embrace it and remember the previous point on self-care

    • Be prepared for the potential emergence of deep-rooted memories and emotions

      • Contact your therapist if you have difficulty processing these emotions on your own

    • Be prepared for the potential emergence of a lack of chaos that leads to the fostering of contentment, peace, and joy

    • If you experience a sense of ease or upliftment, maximise this effect by engaging with the world in new ways (e.g., going on a hike, reconnecting with an old friend, writing in a journal, playing/listening to music)

    • If you wish to have the playlist from the session, it can be made available upon request

    • Do not feel pressured to explain or share with anyone what you experienced. Sometimes the meaningful aspects cannot be conveyed in words

    • The after-effects for the next 6-12 months on all levels, physically, neurologically, emotionally, and psychologically can sometimes be more meaningful than the session itself

    • Avoid any tendency to ruminate or search for meaning from certain experiences. Some aspects will be full of meaning, while other aspects just roll by like the river

3. Additional Suggestions for Preparation and Aftercare

    • Engage in mindfulness practices that calm and regulate your nervous system, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, to cultivate mental clarity and emotional resilience.

    • Set aside a dedicated time of 10-15 minutes for self-reflection and journaling to process your thoughts and feelings before and after the session

    • Create a comfortable, nurturing environment at home for your return

    • Surround yourself with supportive individuals who understand and respect your choice and healing journey

    • Nourish your body with healthy foods and stay well-hydrated before and after the session

    • Engage in gentle physical activities, such as stretching or walking in nature, to promote mind-body integration

    • Allow yourself ample rest and sleep to facilitate the healing process

    • Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you navigate the integration process, remembering that healing is an ongoing journey

Remember, the preparation and aftercare phases are crucial components of your psychedelic-assisted therapy experience. By dedicating time and effort to these stages, you can optimise the potential for personal growth, insight, and transformation.