This Presence is the Great Mystery

by Jayaji / transmissions and meditations for contemplation

This presence is the Great Mystery. The great mystery is utterly incomprehensible. The way to comprehend it is by embracing its entirety. 

Embracing it entirely is surrendering to it completely. Complete surrender is pure trust inasmuch as pure trust is complete surrender. 

I once asked the Great Mystery to reveal itself to me. It held a mirror to my face and said you are the great mystery indeed. 

In order to know the quintessence of the Great Mystery one must relinquish all that they know. What one knows cannot truly be known, therefore the wise surrender themselves before the Great Unknown.

It is the unknown that holds all that is known and the unknown is unknowable because there is no one to know it. 

Contemplate your life now and how you will never know the entirety of your existence. You will not know it because it transcends knowledge. The way to transcend knowledge is to keep constant contemplation of the Infinite.

While most people deal in the drama of the day-to-day world, look to the moment from which all days are born. 

While others are preoccupied with regrets of what they did or didn’t do in the past and filled with anxieties of planning and preparing for tomorrow, stand still in the space that lives beyond time already perfected. 

While people run in every direction from their mortality and distract themselves in innumerable ways from their last breath and oncoming death, listen to the silence where all rests in peace and betray the transmigration of souls by remembering all beings are one being, unborn and deathless.

This is indeed the high contemplation that takes one from ideas like the many to the one, the finite to the infinite and from separation to the non-dual realisation. 




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