Non-Dual Action

by Jayaji / transmissions and meditations for contemplation 

Sometimes in life and through meditative training we exacerbate the subject-object split and become very good at the discernment of sensation and witnessing of sensation, of thought and noticing of thought. 

Non-dual action and meditation begin when we resolve dualistic attitudes of subject and object, of practice and person, of arising and falling away and integrating oneself not in the observation but in the experience itself. 

When sensation arises do you have the impression that there is a you and a sensation and that you are the receiver of that sensation? 

Notice on a more direct level that the self that is experiencing and the experience itself are inseparable. 

When experiencing anything, experience it wholeheartedly for all that we know is our experience and from that, we cannot separate.

When breathing, breathe with the whole body and mind. When hearing sound, hear with the whole body and mind. When feeling sensation, feel with the whole body and mind. 

If you feel like there is a point or place inside of your head that the awareness perceives from then try to look for that point and see that no point exists. 

Notice where you notice from and then notice that the outside is also within that noticing. Where is the source? 

Notice your awareness and then see that internals and externals are contained within it. How then could it arise from a single point inside of the head?

Like this, notice the room that you are now sitting in. This room contains you and yet at the same time, the room is contained entirely in awareness.

Rest as this. Stay in the integrated non-dual awareness and allow the mind to be whole, expansive and completely at rest.


The Freedom of Stillness


Ordinary Mind