Articles, Meditations & Musings

Presence is the perfect state in which nothing can be added or subtracted. It is a state of completeness. Presence is the master's teacher. When you study with presence you learn from perfection.

Non-Duality Jayaji Non-Duality Jayaji

Non-Dual Action

Non-dual action and meditation begins when we resolve dualistic attitudes of subject and object, of practice and person, of arising and falling away and integrating oneself not in the observation but in the experience itself. 

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Contemplations Jayaji Contemplations Jayaji

Ordinary Mind

Many people seek meditation today for what it can do for them, for its effects and affects. While it may present a smorgasbord of benefits, seeking meditation for benefits sake is missing the point.

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Contemplations Jayaji Contemplations Jayaji

On the Illusory self

It takes a keen eye to discern the mirage in the desert. So too, it is not without its challenge to raise ones awareness to see through the veil of the illusory self. We all have an illusory self that we call I and me. It follows us like a shadow. We are stubbornly willing to fight for it and do everything in our will to justify it.

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Contemplations Jayaji Contemplations Jayaji

Infinite Mind / No-Mind

Mind is like the open sky, when you truly see there is only empty space. No end, no beginning; not high nor low; no length, no distance, no edge, no center. Therefore nothing truly to grasp which is why grasping for ephemeral things, objects and passing thoughts adds to the notion of unsatisfactoriness and an unskillful approach to being.

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Contemplations Jayaji Contemplations Jayaji

Resting Mind

Natural mind is resting the mind. 

If mind is agitated, rest.

If resting the mind feels impossible, rest in the impossibility.

If it feels easy, rest with effortlessness.

After the mind goes searching for this why and that why, chasing thoughts and dreams, let it rest as it is.

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Contemplations Jayaji Contemplations Jayaji

Relax Into Awareness

If there is fear, relax into the fear. If there is anxiety, relax into anxiety. If there is joy, relax into joy. If there is peace, relax into peace.

If you experience doubt, difficulty or aversion in meditation then rest into the state of doubt, difficulty or aversion. There is no way around this great awareness.

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