This Moment

by Jayaji / transmissions and meditations for contemplation 

All moments are born from one moment. 

Look closely, perceive this and see that a moment is also an eternity. 

Like this, enter this present moment as if entering a room without walls. 

Sit down and contemplate that not only are all moments born of one moment, but all are present in this moment. 

This is the moment our ancestors experienced. Recognising this is understanding its timelessness.

Wherever is there to get to then? The task is to unhinge yourself from fleeting appearances and grasping at smoke and mirrors and apply yourself to resting in the endless river of what is unfolding.

Minds nature is already clear, radiant, luminous, empty, awakened, liberated, and enlightened. 

Like this, it isn’t by the accumulated, achieved attributions of merit that one gains awareness because awareness is already there.

On the contrary, we come to a thing’s essence by subtraction, reduction and distillation. 

What is essential in mind is perfected like nature.

Presence is the perfected state in which nothing can be added nor subtracted. It is a state of completeness. Presence is the master's teacher. When you study with presence, you learn from perfection. 

Everywhere you look is bathed in its radiance. Like the sun, it shines equally on all beings, the mighty and the meek, the sinner and the saint.

Realise this state by going to its source. Its source is primordial. It is a point without a second. 

You have been from one point to another, but how would you go to a point without a second? Like this, it is to traverse the pathless path. 

The synonym for heaven is not perfection; it is Here & Now, and this moment holds the key to the mystery.



