
by Jayaji / transmissions and meditations for contemplation 

Become absorbed into the vast nature of presence and then remain. Remain without aim. Remain without question. Allow concentration to settle into itself and become aware of its action as effortless.

What is it to remain? To remain is to rest; it is to have arrived. To have arrived means to bask in the beauty of being where you are. 

Many practitioners never let up. There is always somewhere to get to. A new achievement, a new goal, a new practice.

 Everyone seeks enlightenment; enlightenment, however, is free of seeking. 

Surely the antidote to the recognition of dissatisfaction is to find satisfaction skillfully. 

When one is content, they stop seeking. When one has arrived, they put down the roadmap and exit the vehicle. 

What would it be like to give up seeking? What would it be like to get off the wheel and just enjoy the spinning? What would it be like if you gave up seeking, attaining, and achieving? What would it be like if you had nothing to gain or attain?

We should be wary of letting the way get in the way. The way or the path suggested is often somewhere special to get to and an end in mind. In this way, we often miss the meaning of being or seeing the scenery on the way and forget that simplicity is the key to the door of serenity.

Remain and then continue to remain. 

Every moment of everyday practice noting the breath, in and out. 

Whenever you realise you have become lost in mind or affected and negatively triggered by circumstance, remain open in awareness. 


Relax Into Awareness


This Moment