Articles, Meditations & Musings
Presence is the perfect state in which nothing can be added or subtracted. It is a state of completeness. Presence is the master's teacher. When you study with presence you learn from perfection.
This Presence is the Great Mystery
In order to know the quintessence of the Great Mystery one must relinquish all that they know. What one knows cannot truly be known, therefore the wise surrender themselves before the Great Unknown. It is the unknown that holds all that is known. The unknown is unknowable because there is no one to know it.
Do I Need an Intention? (Ayahuasca)
The word Intention can be thrown around all too frequently within these circles, particularly the idea of holding “an intention for ceremony”, so much so that its meaning can start to become diluted and lost on us.
Recreational, Therapeutic or Ceremonial? (Ayahuasca)
This is a simplistic guideline which may help someone endeavoring into the world of modern entheogenic use to help them gain clarity and choice with deciding if the group or facilitator will meet their needs.