3 Poems on Mysticism
From one of Jaya’s forthcoming collections
Give me everything you are and I will give you everything I am.
Give me everything you own, and I will make you the owner of everything.
Give me all that you have been given and see what is left.
Pour yourself into me and quench your endless thirst.
Tie yourself to me and unbind your chains.
Open the doors to me, and the walls fall away.
Call out to me and listen for your own name. Call out to me and listen for your own name.
This is what it is like between the ocean and the wave.
This is what it is like between the fire and the flame.
I am the heat when you give me warmth.
I am the love when you love yourself.
You are the rain that falls into my ocean.
You are the mountain that rises out of my ground.
When you close your eyes, I look through you.
When silence beckons, I call you.
What could wait for an eternity is only an eternity.
What could fall in love is only love.
What you are, as am I.
Every door is the open entrance to my home.
Come now, let’s bow our head upon this throne.
2. How Can You Give A Name To The Nameless?
Its name is nameless yet named and unnamed both have its name.
Abandon rhetoric, reason and intellectualisation.
This is not that. That cannot know this.
It knows itself only as knowing.
No eye can see it, yet it sees with all eyes.
It is not far from you yet you can never reach it.
Like ripples on water, you cannot take yourself from it.
All the masters have spoken of it and ended their sermons in silence.
All speaking is a deviation from that ending.
All of the masters eventually took off their masks.
You too will leave behind all you think you know.
All your grasping is like reaching for clouds.
You cannot reach them and if you could what would you have in your hands?
Let go of understanding and let the rain fall.
The ultimate liberation is to be liberated from the idea of liberation.
To be liberated first you must be trapped. Behind the scenes, you are amused by this.
Put down the weight of ideas you carry and you are free of their burden.
And you are indeed free of burden. And you are indeed free.
Freedom has no name.
It is the cutting of the strings of the marionette.
It is the way the wildflowers grow and the stars of the night sky fall.
Everything arises and falls within that which does not arise nor fall.
Knowing that is knowing freedom.
If you know that then knowledge ceases and is seen as empty.
Then what is left?
Only that which was there all along is there all along.
Like this, don’t go anywhere to seek that which you are not separate from.
How can you unify unity?
How can you give a name to the nameless?
3. I Am Only You In Your Abandon
My dear, what are you looking for?
All this searching, all this seeking.
What are you looking for when I am your very eyes that look?
What are you searching for when I am that which is found and never lost?
Why do you go on seeming, my dear, when I am right here?
Why do you go on dreaming when daylight dawns?
Closer than the fragrance from the food and spices simmering in the kitchen, but you do not notice how the nose is easily distracted.
Closer than the flavour of the meal on the tongue,
but you rarely savour the taste.
Do not say that I abandon you, for I am only you in your abandon.
You say that I forsake you, but all I am is for the sake of you.
While you breathe, I am breathless.
While you sleep, I am sleepless.
While you live, I am eternally endless.
I am under your thumb, but you cannot point your finger at me.
I am the light of the sun, but you turn your back to see your shadow grow.
You are my footprints, and I am the shore washing them clean.
You are a mirror looking into an open window, and I am the reflection.
You are the trail the bird leaves in the sky. I am the sky.
Look into my heart and see your own.
Listen to my silence and let it leave you in silence.
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