Like this, the Dreamer Awakes

Jayaji James Roland Forest Path Zen Advaita Dzogchen

You can never be anything other than what you are. So, why wear labels and masks?

Just as this is this and that is that so too you are what you are. Enter here into the place where things are without titles and names. 

It is paradise, the pure land. It is the very idea of heaven. The biggest problem with the idea of heaven is that it is somewhere other than here and now. Truly the holy name of heaven is here and now. 

When you open these doors of perception you will see the moment is endless. Being endless, it is without edges, shape, distinction, definition and direction.

Some believe that the most revered and sacred knowledge is hidden. The truth is, it is hidden in plain sight. 

It has never been unveiled because it has never been veiled.

It cannot be achieved because it is already complete.

It cannot be received because it is already given.

We climb the highest peaks to seek that which is right under our noses. We sail the endless sea and soar out into outer space just to search for that which is felt within the heart.

The only meditation is to place your attention on your awareness.

The only contemplation is on extending your awareness around your presence.

The only initiation into the mystery is to become innocent enough to see that what is within you and around you is the same space.

What is it to gaze out upon the invisible with emptiness in your eyes? 

Or, to close them and see an eternity far and wide?

Like this, form becomes formless and the dreamer awakes.


Non-duality that does not include duality is not non-dual. 


The Freedom of Stillness