Infinite Mind / No-Mind

By Jayaji / transmissions and meditations for contemplation 

The infinite mind is the way through the open window.

When we fail to see the infinite mind and assume its boundaries we contract and falter.

When we assume its boundaries we cling to the contents of the mind and fear its mysteries.

Fearing its mysteries is the avoidance of the end of the physical form, which in turn, perpetuates the cycle of grasping and suffering.

Mind is like the open sky, when you truly see this, there is only empty space to hold onto. No end, no beginning; not high nor low; no length, no distance, no edge, no centre. Nothing truly to grasp, which is why grasping for ephemeral things, objects and passing thoughts adds to the notion of unsatisfactoriness and an unskillful approach to being.

Look at the mind in this way, an open window, all things come, all things go. All windows open, and the outside and the inside emanate from the same place.

What is eternal is not thingness and does not arise nor pass. It is not thingness, yet it contains all things and is their foundation. If you are not familiar with the foundation the structure is shaky.

It is difficult to study the mind in this way because it cannot be pinpointed as it is formless. It can be quantified because it is infinite. It is infinite because it is empty. The only way is to walk the way yourself and via the path of pure experience, go beyond. 

Going beyond means a falling away of ideas and identities. Without ideas and identities, what is there to hold on to? With nothing to hold on to, where is the ground that you stand? 

When you view the infinite mind it is through the eye of the infinite mind. It reflects like a room full of mirrors and fractals to several more eternities.

For example, you sit inside a room and at the same time, the very same room is entirely inside your awareness.

Come to the place where externals and internals fold in on themselves. This is the open window with the view of the beyond.

It is the placeless place that is neither entered nor exited. It is the gateless gate, neither open nor closed. It is a room without walls.

Just like when you close each eye for meditation and look for the reference point of your conscious awareness, how can it be behind the face when even the front of the face is within that space of awareness?

Entering this vast space of awareness is the beginning of understanding no-mind. To understand no-mind is to understand no-mind is not mind nor no-mind. What can be said of no-mind is semantics. Upon entering no mind there are no words, no meaning, and yet it is the sphere from which all words and meaning are known.

No-mind does not mean the absence of thought it means absence of the idea of a container called mind that hosts thoughts and ideas.

When you subtract all ideas about yourself then the whole thing stands alone and radiant. This freedom from the construct of conceptual thought is called moksha.


On the Illusory self


Resting Mind