Relax Into Awareness

By Jayaji / transmissions and meditations for contemplation 

If there is fear, relax into the fear. If there is anxiety, relax into anxiety. If there is joy, relax into joy. If there is peace, relax into peace. 

If you experience doubt, difficulty or aversion in meditation, then rest in the state of doubt, difficulty or aversion. 

There is no way around this great awareness. 

If you only experience thoughts of past and future or pains and agitation in the body, then drive home into those places.

Do not look for a pristine perfect paradise as a result of sitting in meditation or going on retreat, or even in daily life. 

Simply relax the mind into this moment and awaken into awareness. 

The point is not to get sidetracked from the natural state of mind, which is empty like space and tranquil like silence. 

Some schools of meditation tell you to stalk thoughts and subdue them as they arise. All you really have to do is relax into the thoughts and watch how the presence of awareness cuts them open into vast space. 

Techniques of concentration are helpful for the meditator; however, it is wise to understand that such techniques are essentially dualistic practices. True concentration is effortless and arises from the realisation of the essential nature of awareness. 

Therefore, when meditating, give up the idea of meditating. Let go of the practice of dualistic concentration. Stop counting breaths and collecting techniques and let the mind settle into itself, as and by itself. 

This is the secret to realising that the essential nature of awareness is irreducible, indivisible, perfect and whole just as it is.


Resting Mind

